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369 Manifestation Code Reviews: I Tried Method 25 Days

The 369 Manifestation Code, popularized on TikTok, has gained traction for its simplicity and anecdotal success stories. Users claim that this method, which involves writing down goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night, has helped them attract wealth, improve relationships, and more. In this article, I will explore the 369 Manifestation Code and its potential benefits.

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Name 369 Manifestation Code
369 Manifestation Code Scam? 369 Manifestation Code is not a scam
Works for? Everybody
Main Benefits Users of the 369 Manifestation Code claim that it has helped them attract wealth, improve relationships, and manifest their desires. This technique is based on the belief in the power of specific numbers, and its link to Nikola Tesla is debatable. 
Risks Applying the 369 Manifestation Code requires consistency and a positive mindset.
How To Use To apply the Triple-Three Routine, start by determining your desired outcome and crafting a positive affirmation that reflects it. This affirmation should be written down three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bedtime.
When can I see results? Immidiately.
Side Effects There has been no reported side effects.
Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
Refund Policy 60 Days Money-back
Price $27 (Check Latest Price)
Availability Only through the official website
Official Website Click Here

What is the 369 Manifestation Code?

The 369 Manifestation Code is a manifestation method that revolves around the belief in the power of specific numbers. While its connection to Nikola Tesla is a subject of debate, this technique has gained popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness in attracting desired outcomes.

To practice the 369 Manifestation Code, individuals write down their goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night. This repetitive action aims to reinforce intentions, align the mind with desired outcomes, and enhance the manifestation process.

What is the Triple-Three Routine?

The Triple-Three Routine has become a popular trend on TikTok, where users are discovering the power of a simple yet effective manifestation practice. Inspired by the recognition of numbers three, six, and nine by the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla, this routine involves writing down goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night.

By following this routine, individuals engage in a repetitive and focused intention-setting ritual that helps align their energy with their desires. The Triple-Three Routine has gained significant attention on TikTok, with users sharing their experiences and attributing positive changes in their lives to this practice.

“The Triple-Three Routine has become a TikTok sensation, drawing users from all walks of life. It’s incredible to witness the collective power of intention and manifestation.” – TikTok user @ManifestSuccess369

How Does 369 Manifestation Code Work Method?

The Triple-Three Routine is a powerful manifestation technique that involves the daily repetition of writing goals to amplify intentions and manifest desires. By consistently focusing on these goals, individuals can attract positive energies and experiences into their lives.

Users on TikTok have shared success stories of how the Triple-Three Routine has helped them achieve various goals, ranging from attracting wealth and abundance to improving relationships and overall happiness. This method aligns with the principle of attraction, which suggests that focused attention on specific desires can attract similar energies.

“The Triple-Three Routine has been a game-changer for me. By writing my goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night, I’ve seen remarkable progress in manifesting my dreams. It’s like the universe is paying attention to my intentions!” – Sarah, TikTok user

The repetitive nature of the Triple-Three Routine serves to reinforce the goals and desires in the subconscious mind, creating a strong sense of belief and expectation. This mindset shift is essential for goal realization and manifestation.

When we consistently focus our attention on our goals, we begin to notice opportunities and synchronicities that align with what we want to attract into our lives. This heightened awareness allows us to take inspired action and make decisions that support the manifestation process.

It’s important to remember that the Triple-Three Routine is not a magical solution that guarantees instant results. Manifestation requires patience, perseverance, and a positive mindset. By consistently practicing the Triple-Three Routine, individuals can enhance their goal realization journey and unlock their manifestation potential.

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369 manifestation code customer reviews

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How to apply the Triple-Three Routine?

To apply the Triple-Three Routine, start by determining your desired outcome and crafting a positive affirmation that reflects it. This affirmation should be written down three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bedtime. The repetitive nature of this practice helps to reinforce your intention and strengthen your focus.

However, it’s important to remember that the Triple-Three Routine is not solely reliant on writing down affirmations. In order to manifest your goals, you must also take action and stay alert for opportunities that align with your desired outcome. By combining the power of intention with tangible steps towards your goal, you actively participate in the manifestation process.

Remember, the Triple-Three Routine is a practice that focuses on goal setting and manifestation. It serves as a powerful tool to enhance your mindset and attract positive changes into your life. By consistently applying this routine and taking aligned action, you can effectively align yourself with the energy of your desires.

My experience with the Triple-Three Routine

After testing the Triple-Three Routine, I found that expressing gratitude consistently throughout the day resulted in a more positive mindset and an increased awareness of things to be thankful for. The routine involves writing down goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night. By practicing gratitude in this way, I noticed a shift in my perspective and a reinforcement of positive beliefs.

“The Triple-Three Routine has had a profound impact on my mindset,” I reflected. “By consistently focusing on gratitude, I became more aware of the abundance in my life and developed a deeper appreciation for the smallest things.”

“The routine may not bring about significant life changes, but it has the power to transform one’s perspective and reinforce positive beliefs,” I continued. “By practicing the Triple-Three Routine, I have been able to cultivate a more positive and grateful mindset, which has had a ripple effect on my overall well-being.”

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The Essence of the 369 Manifestation Method

The 369 Manifestation Method is a simple yet effective method for achieving your goals and manifesting positive changes in your life. By focusing on your aspirations and taking aligned action, you can pave the way for success and personal growth.

One of the key aspects of the 369 Manifestation Method is recognizing the importance of small actions taken towards your goal. Every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to your overall progress and mindset shift.

“Success is not always about the big leaps; it’s about the series of small steps you take consistently.”

Embracing a positive mindset is crucial when applying the 369 strategy. Believe in your capabilities and the potential for achieving your goals. Surround yourself with positive influences and affirmations to maintain a constructive outlook on your journey.

Remember, the 369 strategy is not just about the end result, but also about the personal growth and transformation you experience along the way. Each day, take a moment to appreciate the progress you have made and the lessons you have learned.

Embracing a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is the driving force behind the 369 strategy. By cultivating a positive outlook, you open yourself up to opportunities and possibilities. Stay focused on your goals and keep your thoughts aligned with what you want to manifest.

“A positive mindset is like a magnet. It attracts positivity, opportunities, and success.”

Incorporate daily practices that foster a positive mindset, such as gratitude exercises, affirmations, and visualization. These techniques can help you maintain a positive and optimistic mindset, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

By adopting a positive mindset, you create a fertile ground for goal achievement and manifestation. The 369 strategy works hand in hand with your positive mindset, providing you with a framework to channel your intentions and manifest your desires.

How to achieve goals with the 369 Manifestation Code?

To achieve goals with the 369 Manifestation Code, it is essential to clearly define the desired outcome and formulate a positive statement. Taking a proactive approach towards goal setting and manifestation practice can significantly enhance the effectiveness of this strategy.

First and foremost, take the time to precisely define what you want to achieve. Whether it is attracting financial abundance, improving relationships, or pursuing personal growth, be specific and intentional with your goals.

Once your goals are defined, create a positive statement that reflects your desired outcome. This statement should be written three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times before bedtime. The repetitive nature of this practice helps to reinforce your intentions and keep them at the forefront of your mind.

“Consistency is key in the 369 Manifestation Code. By consistently reaffirming your goals throughout the day, you are strengthening your belief in their realization and aligning your thoughts and actions towards achieving them.”

While the 369 strategy is a powerful tool, combining it with proactive steps towards your goals further amplifies its impact. Take inspired action that aligns with your aspirations. Break down your goals into manageable tasks, create a plan, and consistently work towards their accomplishment.

Remember that the 369 strategy is not a magic formula. It is a manifestation practice that requires dedication, focus, and patience. By adopting a growth mindset and staying committed to your goals, you can tap into the power of this strategy to achieve remarkable results in your life.

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What’s needed for the 369 Manifestation Code?

The 369 Manifestation Code is a powerful manifestation practice that can help individuals achieve their goals. To effectively implement this strategy, there are a few requirements to consider:

A Journal or Paper and a Writing Instrument

First and foremost, you will need a journal or paper and a writing instrument to write down your goals. By physically writing them down, you are solidifying your intentions and activating the manifestation process.

An Open Mindset and a Calm State of Being

In addition to the physical tools, it is crucial to maintain an open mindset and a calm state of being. Approaching the 369 strategy with positivity and a clear mental state allows for greater focus and alignment with your goals.

“An open mind is like an open door – it allows for new opportunities to enter.”

Embodying Desired Qualities or Desires

Another requirement is to embody the qualities or desires you seek to manifest. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your goals, you can deepen the manifestation process and attract the desired outcome more effectively.

Actions Aligned with the Goal

The 369 strategy is not just about writing down goals; it’s also about taking action. Be sure to take consistent and intentional steps that are aligned with your goal. This active engagement demonstrates your commitment and reinforces the manifestation process.

Remaining Open to Opportunities

Lastly, it’s essential to remain open to opportunities that may arise along your manifestation journey. The universe often presents unexpected opportunities that can help you achieve your goals. Stay alert and receptive to these possibilities.

Understanding the 369 Manifestation Code Compared to Other Visualization Techniques

The 369 Manifestation Code offers a unique perspective compared to other visualization techniques, making it an effective method for manifesting desires. One key distinction of the 369 Manifestation Code is its specific routine of writing goals in the present tense. By doing so, the mind is able to better visualize the intentions and desires, reinforcing the manifestation process.

In contrast to some visualization techniques that focus solely on mental imagery, the 369 approach incorporates a practical element by adding detailed visualization after writing the goals. This combination of written affirmations and vivid mental imagery provides a powerful reinforcement for the manifestation process.

Not only does the 369 approach tap into the power of the mind, but it also emphasizes the importance of taking action. By aligning our thoughts and intentions with purposeful steps towards our goals, we create a synergistic effect that enhances the effectiveness of the approach.

The 369 approach stands out as a method that combines the power of visualization with the power of written affirmations and action. It allows individuals to immerse themselves fully in the manifestation process, leveraging the mind’s ability to create a clear vision while activating the subconscious mind through repetition.

In conclusion, the 369 approach offers a unique and comprehensive method for manifesting desires compared to other visualization techniques. Its integration of written goals, detailed visualization, and action-taking make it a powerful tool for achieving our aspirations.

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369 manifestation code consumer reports 

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Using the Tesla Code 369 for Manifestation

The Tesla Code 369 is a manifestation technique that draws inspiration from the renowned inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla. This method revolves around the belief that the numbers three, six, and nine hold immense significance, both scientifically and spiritually.

By incorporating these numbers into your manifestation routine and staying consistent with the practice, you can enhance the manifestation process and align yourself with your desired outcomes.

When utilizing the Tesla Code 369, you can infuse these numbers into various aspects of your manifestation practice. For instance, you may choose to write your intentions or affirmations three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times in the evening.

This repetitive ritual not only helps to strengthen your focus and intention but also establishes a deeper connection with the energy of these numbers and their associated meanings.

With dedication and persistence, the Tesla Code 369 method can assist you in creating a stronger alignment between your thoughts, desires, and the universe, ultimately supporting the manifestation of your goals and aspirations.

Create your Tesla Code 369 Statement

To harness the power of the Tesla Code 369 for personal manifestation practice, it is important to create a focused and potent statement. Following Abraham Hicks’ 17-second rule, where holding a thought for at least 17 seconds gives it momentum, we can align our intentions with the universe.

When crafting your Tesla Code 369 statement, take your time and ensure that it takes longer than 17 seconds to write. This will allow your intention to gain the necessary energy and momentum to manifest in your reality.

“By combining the power of 3, 6, and 9 with focused intention, we can initiate the process of manifestation.”

By incorporating the numbers 3, 6, and 9 into your statement, you tap into the divine significance attributed to these numbers by Nikola Tesla himself. These numbers hold immense power and align with the principles of sacred geometry and manifestation.

As you create your Tesla Code 369 statement, focus on using positive and present tense language. Visualize your desired outcome vividly and infuse your words with passion and belief. This will deepen the connection between your intention and the universe, amplifying the manifestation process.

“I am now effortlessly attracting abundance, love, and success into my life. Every day, I am taking inspired action towards my goals, and the universe is supporting me in magnificent ways.”

Remember, your Tesla Code 369 statement is a declaration of your desires and a testament to your belief in the power of manifestation. Write it with intention, hold it in your heart, and take aligned action towards your goals. By doing so, you will unlock the potential for manifesting your deepest desires and creating positive changes in your life.

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369 Manifestation Code Reviews – Conclusion

The Visualization Technique 369 and the Tesla Code 369 provide simple and practical methods for manifesting desires. By consistently repeating and affirming their goals, individuals can align themselves with their desired outcomes and attract positive changes into their lives. These techniques, when paired with proactive steps and a positive mindset, can enhance their effectiveness in manifesting results.

Through the Visualization Technique 369, users have reported attracting wealth, improving relationships, and achieving personal goals. The routine of writing goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night reinforces focused intention and assists in the manifestation process.

Similarly, the Tesla Code 369 incorporates the belief in the divine significance of the numbers three, six, and nine, as recognized by Nikola Tesla. By incorporating these numbers into the manifestation routine and maintaining consistency, individuals can accelerate the manifestation process and bring their desires into reality.

To maximize the effectiveness of these methods, it is crucial to pair them with proactive steps towards the goals and maintain a positive mindset. Recognizing small actions and progress as valuable contributions towards the desired outcome can reinforce the belief in one’s manifestation abilities.


What is the Visualization Technique 369?

The Visualization Technique 369 is a method based on the belief in the power of specific numbers to manifest desires. While its link to Nikola Tesla is debatable, this method has gained attention for its simplicity and effectiveness. It involves writing goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night.

What is the Triple-Three Routine?

The Triple-Three Routine is a practice that gained traction on TikTok, where users write their goals three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times at night. It is believed to be inspired by Nikola Tesla’s recognition of the power of the numbers three, six, and nine in achieving goals.

How does the Triple-Three Routine work?

The Triple-Three Routine involves daily repetition of writing goals to amplify intentions and manifest desires. Users on TikTok have shared success stories of attracting wealth, improved relationships, and more through this method. It aligns with the principle of attraction, suggesting that focused attention can draw similar energies.

How to apply the Triple-Three Routine?

To apply the Triple-Three Routine, first determine the desired outcome and create a positive affirmation. Then, write the affirmation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bedtime. It is important to pair this routine with action and stay alert for opportunities to act in alignment with the goal.

What’s your experience with the Triple-Three Routine?

After testing the Triple-Three Routine, I found that expressing gratitude consistently throughout the day resulted in a more positive mindset and an increased awareness of things to be thankful for. I confirm that while the routine may not bring significant life changes, it can shift one’s perspective and reinforce positive beliefs.

What is the essence of the 369 strategy?

The 369 strategy is a simple and effective method for achieving goals. By focusing on aspirations and taking aligned action, individuals can manifest positive changes in their lives. Small actions taken towards a goal should be recognized as progress, as they contribute to personal growth and mindset shifts.

How to achieve goals with the 369 strategy?

To achieve goals with the 369 strategy, individuals need to clearly define their desired outcome and formulate a positive statement. The statement should be written three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times before bedtime. The effectiveness of the strategy is enhanced when coupled with proactive steps towards the goal.

What’s needed for the 369 strategy?

The 369 method requires a journal or paper and a writing instrument. It is also important to maintain an open mindset and a calm state of being. Embodying the qualities or desires one seeks to manifest can complement the practice. Taking actions aligned with the goal and being open to opportunities contribute to the effectiveness of the strategy.

How does the 369 approach compare to other visualization techniques?

The 369 approach stands out from other visualization techniques due to its specific routine of writing goals in the present tense. This method allows the mind to visualize the intentions and desires in a unique way, reinforcing the manifestation process. Adding detailed visualization after writing the goals further enhances the effectiveness of the approach.

How can the Tesla Code 369 be used for manifestation?

The Tesla Code 369 method is a manifestation technique based on the belief that the numbers three, six, and nine hold divine significance according to Nikola Tesla. By incorporating these numbers into the manifestation routine and staying consistent with the practice, individuals can accelerate the manifestation process.

How to create a Tesla Code 369 statement?

To create a Tesla Code 369 statement, one should follow Abraham Hicks’ 17-second rule, where holding a thought for a minimum of 17 seconds gives it momentum. The statement should take longer than 17 seconds to write. By combining the power of 3, 6, and 9 with focused intention, manifestation can be initiated.

What are the final thoughts on the 369 manifestation code?

The Visualization Technique 369 and the Tesla Code 369 offer simple and practical methods for manifesting desires. Through consistent repetition and focused intention, individuals can align themselves with their goals and attract positive changes into their lives. Pairing these techniques with proactive steps and maintaining a positive mindset can enhance their effectiveness.

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Dr. Sam D Granger

Sam D Granger is the creator and cheif editor of He is a certified health writer and editor. He graduated from Columbia University, in the City of New York. Sam has written for various publications, covering topics such as health, gardening, lifestyle, and personal development. When he’s not writing, Sam enjoys hiking.

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